Type of Assessments

Each assessment is industry specific

Acquistion Assessment

The purpose is to find all of the weaknesses in the proposed takeover

Scores over a hundred financial areas, KPIs, metrics, and is quite comprehensive. It will find every weakness that a target company has and identify the financial impact of both its strengths and weaknesses.  The key question is whether the company can succeed into the future.

& Liquidations Assessment

Determines what makes sense either a turnaround or a liquidation

With a business in trouble, a Bankruptcy Assessment can dramatically help creditors, the debtor in possession, the trustee, and the court in decision making. The best reorganization plan would be one that based on facts has a chance of succeeding.

Operations Assessment

Drills down to find the problem situations that need to be fixed and provide benchmarks for performance

Every business faces constraints in achieving the next level of success. This assessment identifies those constraints. This assessment solves the problem of how to dissect the business into enough minute, but qualitative ways to find all of the tentacles of the constraint.

Sales & Marketing Assessment

Determines the sales or marketing constraint

In 70 percent of companies, the constraint is in the market or is revenue based. Capturing markets and expanding sales really happens when extraordinary thinking produces extraordinary customer service, product, customer quality and value. 

Attainable Vision Assessment

The goal here is to make the future vision your current reality

Vision Sustainability means that the longevity of the enterprise is secure well into the future. It really doesn't matter, the style of the transformation process, the real question is, "Will the transformation last into the future. This assessment identifies how to do that.

Intellectual Properties Assessment

Intellectual Properties can provide a spring board for the future

Intellectual Properties are not just about ownership, they are about action, growth, and value that can be put to use. Also, because patents offer a time frame of opportunity, they also offer advantageous sales, marketing, and financial venues.

Mergers & Acquisitions Assessment

Both sides of this type of a transaction want to find all problems

Most people don't seem to realize that in a merger or acquisition, every detail needs to be checked. Check all assets and liabilities over very thoroughly even if they have been audited. In the final analysis, it really doesn't make any difference what the candidate company is showing, if it can't duplicated or bested in the future.

Shareholder Value Assessment

Shareholders, by definition, are looking for certain results from their investments.

Creating shareholder value, in this highly competitive global marketplace, is becoming ever more challenging and important. The shareholder value assessment shows strength and weaknesses in management’s performance and determines where the company is sitting.

Transition Strategy Assessment

The Transition Strategy Assessment determines if the client will have enough resources to meet their goals.

It is used to provide the data required to complete two transition plans. It is only undertaken after the exit strategy analyzer determines that the end result is going to turn out negative. This normally results in two strategic plans; a  Life Transition Plan and a Business Transition Plan.

Turnaround & Workout Assessment

Turnarounds and workouts go hand in hand

Even in most corporate bankruptcies, debt needs to be restructured. The key is to pull the drowning company out of the water and put it on dry land. Most problems areas have multiple contributory factors that cause the constraint. The key is to be able to identify those areas. This is where industry metrics come into play. A turnaround is not do-able if the turnaround has to perform at a much higher level than the best in the industry. It probably just won't happen. That is why it is important to measure the company and it's components based on both industry averages and the "best" in the industry. Otherwise, the company may be prime for a liquidation.

Integration Assessment

Most mergers and acquisitions fail to meet shareholder expectations

CNN had a report that mergers fail far worse than marriages.  They cited that Marriages fail between 40 and 50 percent; merger failure is as high as 90 percent.  The primary reasons were personality and priority clashes.  Now why is this important?  The integration of two companies needs to begin with an assessment followed by a plan to overcome the discovered problems.
If the problems cannot be overcome, then it is necessary to walk away.  

Score a company's performance!

Attainable Vision assessments score a client company. For a company to be very appealing it needs to be growing with increasing profitability and shareholder value. These assessments are all industry specific. The presentation is usually done in the format of an interactive flipping book. Each assessment provides an executive summary including an overall score. Each book is extensive running over a couple hundred pages each involving intensive drill-down analytics, metrics, and KPIs. With supporting documents, the book can be upwards of four hundred pages. This drill-down to accurate numbers provides for a reduction of waste and problem costs. This better allows the client to understand the depth of problems along with the solutions.