About us

Innovation is the Key to an Attainable Vision

Attainable Vision LLC came into being to work in partnership with professional groups and client companies to improve innovation of products and services along with over-all performance. Innovation originates from the vision of the company and what the company is going to become; it's future reality. As a result, Attainable Vision has developed well over a hundred proprietary models and software to aid in making a company's vision reality.

The vision makes self-evident what goals need to be put into place to make the vision happen. Now where exactly does innovation fit into this sequence? Innovations are actually the strategies that need to be put into place. Let's redefine the term and call them Strategic Innovations. It is not that the company has strategic innovations, it is that they are going to be needed to make the vision reality. Each strategic innovation is a steppingstone that brings the company closer to its ultimate vision.

Each steppingstone needs to be solid and not fragile. Its purpose is to get you to the next steppingstone on the way to your ultimate destination. As the roll-out occurs and more and more people use the steppingstones, they cannot crack or break. What builds a strong foundation are strong tactics and not weak ones.

Remember, 70 percent of the time the constraint holding a company back is market or revenue driven. To solve that problem requires a vision with innovation. Because of that, opportunities exist for potentially expanding existing product sales and adding new product lines and services.

This type of innovation coupled with new growth opportunities require four things:

        1) To determine whether the constraint is primarily internal or external.

        2) Do the research and come up with a viable solution.

        3) Be able to support the rationale with facts and test on a small scale.

        4) Before blasting off, roll out on an incremental basis.

If the company increases revenue with existing resources, i.e. by not increasing fixed cost, the methodology will contribute to the bottom-line. With increased revenue, productivity gains become necessary. Most of the time in service organizations, 30 percent more capacity exists within the current operational structure. Regardless, sustainable vision frameworks need to be developed and put into place. Now, we have talked about the constraint that exists in 70 percent of the cases, what about the other 30 percent? In the other 30 percent of the cases, the constraint is operationally driven.

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